Chairullatif Aji Sadewa

Chairullatif Aji Sadewa

Android Developer | Student at Diponegoro University

About Me

Hi, I'm an undergraduate of Diponegoro University and I'm an Android Developer with 3 years of experience in android app development. Throughout of my career, I've gotten many opportunities to work with diverse clients and projects. It has given me a lot of experience and knowledge about this field.
I'm constantly seeking new challenges and ways to improve my skills, and I'm always looking for opportunities to collaborate with others in my industry, because I believe that improving soft skill such as communication, time management, and leadership is important especially while we're working as a team.

My Projects

Katalog Film
Edukit - Greatest Characters

Complementary applications for Edukit storybooks on the formation of children's characters, Augmented Reality, parenting articles, interactive quizzes, and YouTube educational videos. This app also as Edukit Offical's product

Google PlayStore
Katalog Film
AksaOne - UI Bundle App

In this app you will get 4 different cool UI that developed with modern style, there are: AKSTY - NFT Marketplace; OMAH - Real Estate; JOBSEEK - Job Finder; and BANKQU - Mobile Banking. This app also as Aksantara's UI product

Google PlayStore
Katalog Film
Omah - Real Estate UI

This app is one part of AksaOne - Bundle App, but it more optimized. Still carrying modern style who has simple and uncluttered design, more "white space" and focuses on the content.

Google PlayStore
Katalog Film
Aksty - NFT Marketplace UI

Same as Omah app, this app also one part of AksaOne that still has simple and uncluttered design, but it has been added night mode version

Google PlayStore
Katalog Film
Catalog Movies

Catalog Movies app shows a list of Films and Populer Series. This app can be used no matter when device is online or offline.

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Katalog Film
Standing Football

Showing realtime standing of football in any season of various leagues.

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Github User
GitHub User

This application is used to shows a list of GitHub users based on the name that we want to search.

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Cat Types
Cat Types

Simple app that shows a list of cat types using Recycler View.

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Notes App
Notes App

By using the local database we can make notes with this app, it can be saved since we don't uninstall this app.

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See more in my Github

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